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HR Expert Training

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Your training for HR business partnering at the highest level

Our new training programme enables you to redesign yourself and your opportunities in HR.


  • Duration: 6 months

  • Interval: Once a month on Fridays, 6 hours each

  • Location: Online via Zoom

  • Group: maximum 14 people

  • Do you feel that you are not seen as an equal strategic business partner within your organization?

  • Do you want to engage with all stakeholders on an equal footing, but lack the skills to do so?

  • Do you feel that the demands on HR are increasing and would like to develop with your peers and present your issues in a protected space?

Does the following sound familiar?

HR work in your organisation is changing rapidly.

Your workload is constantly increasing.

Employees in the company show too little interest in working with HR.

You lack the specific skills in the HR team to respond to the issues of the future.

Your daily work is characterised by uncertainty and change. The perceived value of HR work in the company is too low.

Lack of management's support for HR initivatives.

Create a healthy, strong and successful HR department - for you, your employees and your company.

The compact course for
HR Business Partners

Online course with personal support

  • Online course with personal support

  • Compact knowledge from more than +15 years of HR experience including scale ups

  • Coaching background

  • 6 modules and post support for integration

  • Digital workbook for guidance and support between and after the modules

  • Impulses and evidence-based tools for your everyday business life

  • Buddy system for even deeper learning and exchange

Your safe space for practical exchange and self-learning phases

  • Your current topics are at the centre of our attention and can be discussed

  • Peer group for sustainable exchange and learning even after the end of the course

  • Through our further self-learning modules after our deep dive session, we also deepen your integration phase

  • Transfer tasks for reflecting on and anchoring what you have learnt

  • Accompanying material for reading, applying and reflecting on what you have learnt

Toolbox of


  • Our proven methods from +15 years of HR expertise

  • Methods from systems theory

  • Methods from positive psychology & positive leadership

  • Development of individual solutions for your situation

  • Your inner attitude and standing within your organisation will improve significantly




The basics

Firstly, we create a common understanding of the concepts of coaching and positive psychology and show why these approaches are indispensable for the HR work of tomorrow.

Immerse yourself in a world of innovation and become part of a new era of human resource management!


Self Management

Immerse yourself in a world in which you lay the foundations for sustainable and healthy leadership - both as a reliable sparring partner and as an inspiring team leader. Start your journey with an in-depth look at self-leadership and experience the power of positive leadership.


Systemic Interventions

Ready for a change of perspective:

In this module, you will learn how systemic
interventions can open up new
perspectives and insights.

The skills you learn will provide you with
effective tools that will not only take your
individual work to a new level, but also
collaboration across the entire



Always important: the art of successful communication. In this module, we shed light on why a thorough clarification of the assignment is essential, even in a permanent position. We show how this can develop into an effective coaching process and present effective interventions that will take your HR work to a new level.


Sustainable Business Partnering

After you have mastered the power of self-leadership and taken the first steps on the path of how to deal with your stakeholders, we go deeper into the foundation for sustainable and healthy leadership - both as a reliable sparring partner and as an inspiring team leader. Discover a new approach that focuses on the strengths of your employees and motivates them to perform at their best.


Stakeholder Management

And on to the supreme discipline:

How do you not only deal effectively with groups, but how do you forge strong connections and alliances. These will help to carry HR measures through the entire company and ensure that the measures do not come to nothing.

Meet the trainers

Elisabeth Hartwig

With more than 15 years of HR expertise and leadership in Argentina & China, Elisabeth's international experience, as well as the founder of Positive Consulting & Female Leaders, has given her a wealth of knowledge and training that will enrich this course.

Elisabeth Hartwig HR Expert


A successful company needs a strong organization! With this in mind, Martina coaches, trains and develops teams and leaders. She draws on more than 15 years of experience in developing organizations and teams, both as an HR professional and as a consultant and coach. In this training you can look forward to Martina's effective interventions and her experience in companies from start-ups to corporates.



Dates (Fridays):


Modul 1 – 21.03.2025

Modul 2 – 11.04.2025

Modul 3 – 16.05.2025

Modul 4 – 20.06.2025

Modul 5 – 04.07.2025

Modul 6 – 18.07.2025


plus self-learning and peer learning phases

Times: 09:00 - 15:00


Meeting point: via Zoom

Group: maximum 14 people

Early bird  price until 31.02.2024: €1450 plus VAT

Regular price from 01.08.2024:  €1950 plus VAT

  • Muss ich Führungskraft sein, um an dem Kurs teilzunehmen?
    Nein, der Kurs richtet sich ausdrücklich nicht nur an Führungskräfte. Aber wir setzen ein Selbstverständnis als HR Professional voraus. Der Kurs eignet sich hervorragend für HR-Professionals, die eine Führungsrolle anstreben - egal ob disziplinarisch oder fachlich.
  • Muss ich ein HR Professional sein?
    Ja, unser Kurs versteht sich als Weiterbildung für das next level HR. Du bringst also signifikante Erfahrung in der HR-Arbeit mit, an der unsere Impulse wunderbar anknüpfen können. Außerdem lebt unsere Weiterbildung vom Austausch und gemeinsamen Wachstum. In den Peersessions dürfen auch die anderen Menschen aus dem Kurs von deiner Erfahrung und Expertise profitieren.
  • Können auch mehrere Menschen aus einer Organisation teilnehmen?
    Grundsätzlich ist das möglich. Wir schauen aber natürlich insgesamt auf eine ausgewogene Zusammensetzung der Teilnehmenden und würden euch sonst auch eine Inhouse-Veranstaltung anbieten.
  • Könnt ihr auch für ganze Abteilungen ins Unternehmen kommen?
    Selbstverständlich bieten wir unsere Weiterbildung auch gern als Inhouse Format für ganze Abteilungen an. Hier können wir auch ganz gezielt spezifische Themen und Herausforderungen der Organisation einbeziehen.
  • Gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, sich persönlich zu sehen?
    Auch wenn wir das Format grundsätzlich für den virtuellen Raum konzipiert haben, werden wir gemeinsam in der Gruppe besprechen, ob und wie wir uns auch persönlich begegnen können.

Modul Videos

Module 1 - Introduction
Modul 2
Module 2 - Communication
Module 3 - Self-Management
Modul 3
Modul 4
Module 4 - Sustainable
Business Partnering
Modul 5 - Systemic Interventions
Modul 5
Modul 6
Modul 6 - Stakeholder Management
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